Old name and logo alongside new name and logo

The transition from purples to livelier greens and blues

The final set of solid and gradient colours that became integral to the overall identity system

A sample newspaper ad that uses a combination of Red Hat Display and Red Hat Text for writing heading and body text

A sample page from the website and a sample business card that uses a combination of Red Hat Display and Red Hat Text for various content types

Left: Red Hat Display used for text on a merchandise;
Right: A sample newsletter template that uses Verdana in place of Red Hat Display or Red Hat Text

Illustration developed for a sample website banner and poster, created to articulate a specific topic

Overall pattern of the company profile's book cover create a distinct and ownable look

Empower Device applied on a sample presentation cover slide to emphasise the title

Left: Block devices used to highlight CTA components on the website; Right: Block device as a container for a photograph on an employee ID card

Cards created for the website uses photographs from Adroit Associates existing bank of photographs that offers a window into all the ground-level research undertaken by Adroit Associates and closely showcases the communities that they work with.

Website homepage featuring an auto-play video on the first view

Desktop mock-ups created based on the new branding identity system, following the web strategy and wireframes developed by Miranj

Mobile mock-ups developed following Miranj's guidance

A few website components designed: Button and Link styles, CTA scenarios, and Summary Block variations

Three footer component scenarios, designed in collaboration with Miranj to maximise space while ensuring clear visibility of information